The Leaders of Ministry of Natural Resources Visit ZPEC Aksu Oil & Gas Company


On the afternoon of April, 22, 2021, Mr. Yongjin Gao, Deputy of Oil & Gas Geological Survey Room of China Geological Survey Center of the Ministry of Natural Resources, and four others arrived at ZPEC Aksu Oil & Gas Company to investigate. ZPEC gave a report on the progress of exploration and increasing of reserveand production in the Wensu Block. Mr. Gao said they were happy to see the good results.  However he hoped ZPEC would make more efforts on exploration, on scientifically and orderly deployment of new exploration wells in 3D and 2D blocks, and to discover and report more oil and gas reserves as soon as possible.
Mr. Xuesong Li, the Vice GM & Chief Geologist of ZPEC Aksu Companyreported a series of new breakthroughs in reserves declaration, production capacity constructionand crude oil production in the Wenshu Block. He also highlighted the proven reserves, exploration wells deploymentand the potential of oil and gas resources in the Wensu Block exploration area.    

Mr. Gao highly praised the work done by ZPEC Aksu Company. He pointed out that ZPECas the first private enterprise that gained oil and gas reserves in China, has made great achievements in the Block and that ZPEC had acted very quickly. The next step is to continue to strengthen exploration and development, optimize the deployment of exploration wells, build production capacity, and make new proven reserves application. He welcomed ZPEC’s participation in the reform of oil and gas exploration and its efforts to contribute as a private enterprise.  


(Mr. Donglei Hao)

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