Abu Dhabi NDC Visits ZPEC


In Mid-October, the General Manager of Abu Dhabi National Drilling Company (NDC) and 2 of his colleagues visited ZPEC headquarters in Shanghai, focusing on drilling engineering services and petroleum equipment. 

In the meeting, ZPEC President Mr. Li pointed out ZPEC's competitive advantages according to NDC's needs.  Stating the Middle East as ZPEC's most important marketing area, he discussed the establishment of ZPEC Gulf Company in Dubai which would provide better and more convenient services for local customers.  Until then, he hoped NDC and ZPEC would form a strategic business-partner relationship for better communication and cooperation.  The General Manager had an in-depth discussion with ZPEC engineers concerning the new drilling technologies.  He was especially interested in the new Daqing II rig.  In conclusion, he also expressed the high desire for further cooperation.

NDC is the biggest drilling company in UAE, mainly focusing on drilling engineering business of both offshore and onshore in Abu Dhabi.


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